DIY or Hire Help? When You Should Call an Expert

The repairs that your fix and flip requires are often small. If you’re handy, you can save a lot of money by doing these repairs yourself. Replacing, or fixing, a small issue can be fun, and it’s a great way to stay within your allowed budget. However, there are some repairs that you should never try to handle yourself. They’re just too complex and complicated. You may wonder when is it OK to DIY, and when should you call an expert? Here are a few projects that you should never try to tackle on your own. 

Electrical Repairs

It’s really important to stay away from electrical work unless you’re a professional. The risk to your safety far outweighs the benefit of saving some money. There are over three hundred electrocutions in the United States each year. For your own safety, you should cross electrical work off your list of DIY repairs. Aside from probable injury, and possible death, doing electrical work yourself can result in severe home damage. You could wind up doing more harm than good, and costing yourself a lot more than you planned to save by not hiring a professional. Wiring systems aren’t simple. Electrical problems that extend beyond changing a light bulb are best left to the professionals.


This may seem like an easy repair, but it’s not. Replacing windows is a lot more complicated than you might think. It involves a lot of precise measuring, and one mistake could mess up the entire project. It normally requires special equipment to perfectly measure, remove, and replace a window properly and securely. It’s a repair that will cause you unwanted hassle and stress, and likely cost you more if you try to tackle it yourself. Uneven windows aren’t something you want in your house. They’ll cause structural problems, allow unwanted moisture into the home, and likely let in insects. When dealing with a rehab project that is so precise, it’s better to leave it to the professionals. A window is heavy and difficult to maneuver, you run the risk of injury to yourself if you don’t know how to properly handle it. Be safe, and smart, and leave any window repairs to the pros.


While taking care of small clogs is something you can probably handle, anything more extensive requires a professional. There are simply too many things that can go wrong in a complicated plumbing system. Plumbing is one of those areas where even the smallest mistake can turn into a big mess. You don’t want to tackle a project that big by yourself. Without the proper training, you are likely to make a mistake, and while some mistakes are easily fixed, when it comes to plumbing that’s not usually the case. Plumbing mistakes can quickly lead to flooding, and then you’re dealing with an even bigger mess than you started with. Save yourself the time, money, and energy of dealing with bigger problems by having a professional handle all of the complicated plumbing problems in your fix and flip house.

Dangerous Cleanup

If you happen to find mold or asbestos in your fix and flip house, call a professional immediately. Lead paint, mold, or asbestos in the ceiling or insulation, is extremely hazardous to your health. Saving money is certainly not worth the risk that comes with dealing with such a hazardous cleanup. You could also face legal consequences if you deal with the issue improperly. There’s no question about it, you definitely need certified professionals to deal with hazardous messes like these.

DIY rehab projects are often a great way to save some money, and increase your overall profit, and who knows, maybe you’ll even have some fun. However, there are definitely times where you should step back, and let the professionals handle the job. DIY projects are never worth risking your health or safety. Don’t try to tackle a project that’s far too big, and complicated, for someone who isn’t trained to deal with it. Have fun repairing the problems you know you can handle, and leave the rest to the pros. There are a lot of repairs that go into correctly fixing and flipping a home. If you’re about to embark on such a journey, and need financing options, please contact us today.

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