Flipping a House: Practical Residential Updates


When flipping a house, a lot of attention is given to style and design to impress potential buyers. However, you can influence homebuyers just as much by including less glamorous types of updates in the home. Such updates, when explicitly pointed out, can sway a buyer’s decision to pick one house over another.

1. New Roof

When someone purchases a home and the first severe storm rolls in, they often worry that their roof will leak. If buyers see that you’ve put on a new roof, it will allay any such worries. They’ll feel more comfortable knowing that they won’t need to put out additional money so soon after purchase to fix any leaks. Though a new roof sometimes is costly, you can charge more for the residence and buyers will appreciate the value it adds to the home.

2. Tankless Water Heater

This update, again though costly, is well worth the expense for a home in a decent neighborhood, where you can increase the list price of a property to cover such a feature. Because a tankless water heater only heats water as needed, it will reduce energy costs, which will impress any potential homebuyer. This type of design also takes up less space and lasts longer than traditional versions. It will deliver all the hot water that a family needs without running out. For any buyers who have experienced a cold shower because their hot water has cut out, this feature will grab their attention immediately.

3. Additional Electrical Outlets

Most everything used today runs on electricity. When only one or two electrical outlets are available in each room of a home, it becomes difficult to plug everything in. Additional outlets will impress any homebuyer, especially in the kitchen, bedrooms, and entertainment spaces. More outlets will translate into convenience for everyone. Buyers will appreciate the added bonus of not having to purchase tons of extension cords merely to reach all their plugs.

4. Overhead Garage Storage

It seems these days that residents can either  keep their cars in the garage or they can use it for storage. Often, there’s not sufficient space to do both. To help alleviate that problem, install sturdy, overhead racks for storage in the garage. Homebuyers will love knowing that they can get all of the junk off the floor and out of the way. They won’t need to worry about hail damage or someone breaking into their cars because they had to leave them outside. With overhead storage, they’ll have a place to store their important belongings and still be able to park their vehicles inside the garage.

5. Outside Storage Shed

Enough room to store everything that accumulates over time never seems to exist, regardless of the size of a home. House and garage storage spaces aren’t always sufficient, especially for large or bulky items. With a shed in the back of your home, you’ll give a homeowner a little bit of extra space, which is always a good thing. Don’t just purchase and set up a storage shed though. Build a shed atop a concrete slab, so the homeowner will know that it won’t blow away in the next storm, along with all of their belongings.

If you’re flipping a home, consider one or more of these practical updates to sway buyers into purchasing your property over others. As a seller, you’ll earn more because of the added value, and the buyer will gain the advantage of a better-upgraded home. If you need extra money to do residential updates, renovations, or remodeling, please contact us today. We can help fund your project so you can create a gorgeous home that buyers will flip over.